With the announcement of the Stanley Cup Finals schedule, Detroit sports fans are wondering why Bettman has it in for “the most passionate fans”. Seems as though shrimp and his mental midgets have scheduled the first three games of THE Finals to start at the same time as the NBA conference finals. Now what water head would do such a thing to a sport that is screaming for help to increase its fan base? Of course, you guessed it – our own not-so-bright commish.
Now ‘ol douche bag hasn’t dissed Detroit for just the first time this playoff season. No sir! Just a short while ago he took away a real crowd pleaser by notifying the Detroit club that if their Zamboni/ice wizard were to swing one more octopus over his head on the ice as he has been doing for years, the league would fine them 10 large. (Careful Mo’ Cheese, you might be next.) Now comes the ultimate insult to sports fans in Detroit. Choose between the Pistons or Wings. (There’s no choice for this author; Sid vs. Hank? – Awesome!) Nevertheless, when you have a sport that your own commissioner says is inferior in popularity to another, WHY THE HELL WOULD YOU SCHEDULE YOUR GAMES TO CONFLICT WITH THE OTHER ALREADY POSTED SCHEDULE????????? What a dumb ass!!!
The NHL excuse-of-the-day is that Hockey Night in Canada has rights to Saturday night scheduling. (I think we posted previously about the screwing of HNIC and last year’s schedule.) HNIC would of course televise a game at any time knowing the devout following of Canadian fans. And what about the scheduling for the other two games this weekend that could be aired at a different time? What say you ‘ol brain dead commish?
Seriously, I’m almost convinced that someone has tasked this former Stern lackey with the destruction of the NHL.
I’m tiring of the owners’ apathy, but here goes again -
Please fire this idiot (or be ready to turn the lights out yourselves).
bad timing, basketball, bettman, CBC, detroit, dumb move, finals, idiot, nba, pistons, Red Wings, Stanley Cup Finals, TV