Saturday night’s CBC pre-game show featured Ron MacLean interviewing our favorite hockey snake, Bettman. Ron touched on several hot NHL topics and a few of dim-wit’s nerves. MacLean asked a question about Boots Del Biaggio’s troubles with a federal fraud investigation. Ron asked what the NHL position was given ol’ Boots’ recent part ownership of the struggling Nashville Predators. Shyster boy immediately went on the defensive and stated that he believes that Boots has not been charged, but only under investigation. Quickly distancing himself with “I don’t know anything more than was in the papers”. Ron then asked about the decision to push out Balsillie over the Boots Group. With more than a little more squirming the miniature shark said he was not involved in that process and then, without need, said the Canadian Competition Committee had conducted a year long investigation and concluded that no rules were broken. (Funny, why did he have to offer that last part without being asked?) Hiding something Gary? Here is the video:
Ron also brought up the fact that Canadian teams are providing the bulk of the revenue and asked Gary if he had seen the Toronto Star article which reported the disparities in revenue. “I haven’t read that article” was Ding-dong’s response. (Of course, why would the commish read anything from the top revenue team’s home town newspaper? gimme a break!) Our little Napoleon then got testy and cut-off Ron when asked about American teams in (financial) trouble. “Whoa, whoa; trouble’s a funny thing” spewed out of the hole in his face. Funny when you’re a Coyotes owner losing $30 million? Funny when the two bottom-earning Canadian teams are producing more revenue than eight, yes, eight, American teams? Yes, our ignorant commish has a great sense of humor. Too bad he doesn’t have any honor (and resign).
There is more to the interview including Numb-nut’s cheap patronizing of Ron and Don, Wipe-oid’s ever-prescient employment interview of Colin Campbell, and more commish double talk.
Coaches Corner star Don Cherry noted that Ron did a fine interview and followed his advice by “takin’ it easy on him”. With all the squirming and double talk witnessed in the interview, one gets the feeling that Bettman wouldn’t agree with Don.
boots del biaggio, CBC, don cherry, gary bettman, interview, nhl, predators, revenue, ron maclean